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 For millionaires and those aspiring to join their ranks, it’s all about protecting wealth rather than taking risks with investments. But the strategies employed by these savvy individuals can be applied just as well – if not better – for everyday people. 

From finding ways to combat inflation, investing in cutting-edge technology without too much risk attached, and generating safe returns on existing capital, this article will offer some of the best advice when it comes to growing your financial security in 2024.

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You Can Rely On Hard Assets

Inflation is the big bad guy when it comes to wealth erosion, but even legendary billionaire and investor Ray Dalio has suggested that emerging-market currencies might be one of the few avenues for preserving your financial future.

He notes Western nations have increasingly adopted similar strategies surrounding asset preservation over the next 10 years – relying heavily on hard assets and traditional investment principles.

So if you want to keep your money intact well into 2030, best stay agile! Let’s take a closer look at how.

Smart Investors Are Diversifying Their Portfolios

Strategic portfolio diversification is an essential tool for any smart investor. By spreading their funds across the full spectrum of markets, they can protect themselves against a dramatic collapse in one particular sector.

Recent talk of an ‘everything bubble’ should be taken with a grain of salt – as multiple asset classes like stocks, bonds, crypto, and more rarely all crash at once. While precious metals have traditionally been seen as safe havens from market shocks – cryptocurrencies are set to become even better hedges due to their often inverse correlation with other sectors.

Portfolio management strategies require savvy movements between asset classes in order to maximize gains and minimize losses. Economies experience both good times – when stocks flourish with economic growth & certainty – as well as bad, characterized by higher interest rates that actually depress further expansion.

Fiat currencies from different nations possess unique characteristics but are all subject to erosion over time. However, dependable investing can help protect against local inflation while retaining liquidity.

Billionaires Who Are Investing In Gold

Today, many of the world’s wealthiest individuals, such as Ray Dalio, Warren Buffet, Lord Jacob Rothschild, Sam Zell, and Naguib Sawiris, recognize the benefits of holding physical gold as part of their investment portfolios.

“If the world does well, gold will be fine. If the world doesn’t do well, gold will also do fine…but a lot of other things could collapse.” — American billionaire businessman Thomas Kaplan

Warren Buffet

Warren BuffetKnown as the “Oracle of Omaha,” Warren Buffett is one of the most successful investors in history. He is the chairman and largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway, which owns over 60 companies, including Geico, Duracell, and Dairy Queen.

With a current net worth of $80 billion, he ranks 4th on Forbes’ list of the richest people in the world in 2020. In August, he invested $564 million in Barrick Gold, the world’s largest mining company, sending shockwaves across Wall Street.

Ray Dalio

Ray DalioRay Dalio buys gold as a store of wealth and diversification. When someone with a net worth of $18.7 billion praises the power of gold, you might want to pay attention.

Ray Dalio, the founder of the world’s biggest hedge fund, believes gold is attractive as a store of wealth and a means of portfolio diversification.

Ray Dalio means, “In a world of ongoing pressure for policymakers across the globe to print and spend, zero interest rates, tectonic shifts in where global power lies, and conflict, gold has a unique role in protecting portfolios. It’s wise to hold some of what central banks can’t create more of.“

Lord Jacob Rothschild

Lord Jacob RothschildLord Rothschild buys gold to help preserve generational wealth. Lord Jacob famously declared that the Rothschild family was dumping the U.S. dollar and replacing it with other currencies, as well as gold.

Changes in yields and monetary policy prompted that shift. The Rothschilds have been involved in the mining, refining, and trading of gold since the early 1800s.

Naguib Sawiris

Naguib SawirisNaguib Sawiris buys gold as a means of crisis protection. Naguib Sawiris, an Egyptian billionaire worth about $2.9 billion, put half of his net worth in gold in mid-2018 in an effort to protect himself from a potential stock market crash and to take advantage of gold’s potential upside.



Sam Zell

Sam ZellIn 1968, real estate mogul Sam Zell started Equity Group Investments, which is a major participant today in industries such as energy, logistics, and healthcare. He chairs five public companies, including one of the largest real estate investment trusts in the US. According to Forbes, Zell’s net worth is $4.8 billion.

When Bloomberg asked Mr Zell why he invested in gold, he commented that gold is a good hedge and…“Supply is shrinking, and that is going to have a positive impact on the price.”

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How Do Millionaires Protect Their Money?

Now that you know 5 well-known billionaires who own gold, let’s take a look at how they protect their wealth next.

Tip 1: Buy Cheap Risk Assets Like Stocks And Crypto

What are cryptocurrencies and what are they used for? Benefits and risks of Bitcoins, Crypto IRA investing.With the stock market soaring to unprecedented levels, everyone can agree that it’s overvalued. But what about crypto?

Bitcoin is currently trading at $67K, but where should its fair price be – an optimistic $100K or a more conservative estimate of just $2K?

It may take some time for an agreement to come on this topic given all the debate around crypto. And yet there are still plenty of new projects coming onto our radar screens with exciting potentials….if only we could find one worthy enough to fulfill those promises and make them a reality.

Crypto And Stocks Remain Speculative Investments

For every ‘Apple’ of the investment world, there are seemingly thousands of projects that can’t quite get off the ground. That’s why stocks and crypto remain speculative investments – no one really knows what will shoot up in price or stay afloat until it actually happens.

But those who make wise decisions regarding these assets often attract a cult following as they seem to possess some kind of predictive power for spotting winners-in-waiting.

For instance, Bitcoin might have earned its reputation as an increasingly valuable store of wealth, but with highly volatile price fluctuations between $16,000 and $72,000 in just the last year alone – there’s no telling when it’ll take a dive again.

Even so, recent history shows us that prices skyrocketed from just over 2K to nearly 20K before plummeting down under 4K.

Bottom line: if you’re planning on investing or trading Bitcoin make sure to keep in mind that its value is far from set in stone. Also, work with a reputable digital asset company like BitIRA or My Digital Money that can help answer all your questions and to avoid taking uninformative decisions.

BitIRA: Unleash Your IRA Or 401(k): Rollover Into Bitcoin

Tip 2: Invest In Commodities

As we watch the global economy shift, it’s clear that commodities are becoming increasingly attractive investments.

Russia is leading to way with its attempts to resist Western sanctions and create a BRICS currency backed by oil or gold – both of which they’ve already taken steps towards tying their own currency as well. It looks like an age-old approach may yet be poised for a resurgence.

Oil continues on its resurgence as one of the major players in global commodities. With supplies potentially coming into question and Russia being a top producer of many industrial metals, countries are starting to understand that they may no longer be able to rely on former partners – a mixture of scarcity-protectionism tension is abuzz.

To add to this complex equation, there’s also an increasing revulsion towards things you can print (like money). It looks like it might be time to rethink where we source our goods from.

Commodities Can Help Secure And Grow Your Wealth

In addition, the multi-trillion dollar stimulus may have done little to help, proving that central banks can inflate the amount of their currency faster than you’d think. This means bondholders don’t have much reason for optimism; after all, a country’s bonds are only as solid and secure as its economy allows them to be – not exactly comforting.

Overall, commodities are a great way to secure and potentially grow your wealth, with steel and lumber being particularly solid bets. But investing can be tricky – you’ll need some savvy strategies rather than simply hoarding barrels of oil.

Fortunately, there are plenty of different ways to invest in commodities so whatever level you’re starting from, they could still provide the return on investment that you desire.

Tip #3: Create An Inflation Hedge With Precious Metals

Old Gold Coin: Gold Double EagleInvesting in precious metals is often seen as the wisest way to preserve your wealth. Gold, for example, has consistently demonstrated a strong upward price trend over time – making it an ideal asset class for those looking to protect their well-earned capital from inflationary pressure.

Gold is currently trading at $2,330. In addition, here is the gold price history from 1966 to 2023:

Historic Gold Price Chart


While currencies lose value over time, gold has proven itself to be a reliable source of steady growth. In fact, it’s significantly outperformed the S&P 500 – the go-to benchmark for successful investments – over the past two decades. So, if you’re looking at putting your money somewhere secure with long-term potential gains, don’t overlook gold as an option in your portfolio.

In addition, each of the four precious metals fulfills a role, almost acting as a kind of market on its own. These are:

  • Gold protects wealth and tracks inflation while guarding against uncertainty
  • Silver acts similarly to gold, but is far cheaper and has a greater upside partly due to its industrial element
  • Platinum acts similarly to silver, but with an extremely localized supply and tracking changes in the automotive industry
  • Palladium acts similarly to platinum

In summary, investment in precious metals may be difficult to pass up for those looking to maintain their wealth. In the long run, it’s expected that metals like platinum will perform well even if they experience temporary drops over a decade or so – like when regulations pushed its price all the way down to $980 before rebounding back up recently.

Again, always remember to diversify! Investing in physical gold, as with any investment, involves risks. Market fluctuations can impact the price, and physical gold requires secure storage and insurance, leading to additional costs.

Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, emphasizes that “Diversification is crucial in investing. While gold is a smart choice in a balanced portfolio, it’s important not to over-concentrate in any single asset.”

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Tip 4: Start a Precious Metals IRA

Noble Gold's Gold IRAs & Silver IRAs
Image Source: noblegoldinvestments.com

Retirement can often get put on the back burner, and even those who plan ahead typically trust an IRA or employer-sponsored plan without giving it much thought. But many of these plans are drafted by big firms like Fidelity and Blackrock with a cookie-cutter approach – usually utilizing the same conservative 60/40 asset allocation ratio.

So there’s potential to improve your retirement funds through alternative allocations that may include crypto assets or precious metals. It pays off, in the long run, to make sure you’re fully informed before deciding where best to invest for your future.

A gold IRA is almost like the standard to which retirement plans should adhere. It’s made up entirely of precious metals, for the most part, but the investment choices can vary greatly. This leaves ample room for additional returns past just the metals’ base gains.

The metals in it, unlike the derivatives that comprise a standard employer-sponsored plan or IRA you might come across, are physical. You can choose to liquidate the IRA and receive the metals whenever you want, a penalty notwithstanding.

What A Gold IRA Can Help You With

Opening up a gold IRA account has many benefits, and can, for example, help you:

  • Hedge against a weaker dollar and increasing inflation
  • Limit exposure to economic uncertainty
  • Mitigate the effects of geopolitical instability
  • Diminish negative fallout from the coronavirus economic crisis
  • Diversify your portfolio
  • Take real ownership of your financial future

When opening an account with this type of self-directed IRA, your precious metals are held in a safe depository. That means YOU have control over what goes into and out of the portfolio.

On top of that, security coverage comes with lifetime customer support when working with a trusted gold IRA company. This could be compared to having your own personal portfolio manager at hand whenever needed!

How’s that for taking after the wealthy?

Overall, feeling secure in your retirement savings will give you the freedom to explore other investment opportunities to see if they can bring any extra growth. No matter how volatile the markets are, you don’t need to worry about having enough for retirement – that security is guaranteed with precious metals!

Related: How To Start A Gold IRA In 3 Simple Steps

But what gold IRA company should I choose? We’re glad you asked!

Top 8+ Precious Metals Companies

To help you identify the best option to protect and grow your wealth today, we have reviewed and rated the top 8+ precious metals companies in the industry for regular purchases and gold IRAs.

We have rated each company on a variety of factors including BBB/BCA ratings and complaints, customer reviews, annual fees, precious metals selection, storage options, promotions, and buy-back programs. You can request a free guide/kit from each company by clicking on the “GET FREE KIT!” button to the right.


Company Reviews Annual Fees Investment Minimums (IRA) Preferred Custodian Free Gold Kit
Goldco: Best Overall Gold IRA Company Reviews $0 $25,000 Equity Trust
Reviews $0 $50,000 Equity Trust
Reviews $180 $10,000 Equity Trust
Reviews $100 $10,000 Equity Trust
Reviews $80 $2,000 Equity Trust
Reviews $180 $10,000 Equity Trust
Golden Crest Metals Review (2024) Reviews $0 $10,000 Entrust
American Coin Co. Review - Is The Company Legit Or A Scam? Reviews $0 $10,000 Equity Trust

Choosing any of these industry-leading precious metals companies will ensure a safe investment. Lastly, when it’s time to liquidate your metals, they all offer buy-back programs.

You can read more about each precious metals company in our 8+ Best Gold IRA Companies Of 2024 (Reviewed & Rated) article. Or, request this Free Wealth Protection Guide from our #1 recommended gold IRA company.

Goldco Free Wealth Protection Kit


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Stina Pettersson Senior Editor
Stina is an entrepreneur who's passionate about personal finance, investing, and digital marketing. She's been a writer in this space for over a decade.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Is investing in precious metals a good idea?

We believe it is. Throughout history, gold and silver prices have moved in the opposite direction of paper assets and can, therefore, provide a good hedge against inflation. Past performance doesn’t guarantee future gains, but the numbers show that the weaker the dollar has become in the past, the better gold generally has performed. In fact, the relationship between gold and the dollar is often seen as an inverse one.

Why starting a gold IRA?

Traditional IRA accounts may not be enough to provide for you and your loved ones, post-retirement. Not if the economy remains as uncertain as it has looked recently.
For eons, investors have looked to gold to help them potentially offset losses due to economic turmoil. A gold IRA or precious metals IRA permits you to diversify a portion of your retirement portfolio — including pre-existing IRAs and former 401k(s) with previous employers — by actually owning physical gold (and silver) within a retirement plan. As a result, you can securely possess physical precious metals in a tax-deferred account.

Should I invest in physical gold, futures options (ETFs), gold mining stocks, or gold funds?

Indirect forms of investing in gold are much riskier than physical metal. You are relying on any third party individual or company to look after your wealth for you, and depending on the company’s success or failure, you risk losing your investment. With physical gold, you are in control of your wealth. Physical gold offers you that layer of protection and security which Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), gold mining stocks and funds do not.

When investing in a gold IRA, you will get the same tax benefits as a traditional IRA, while actually owning physical gold coins or gold bars.

Do my precious metals have to be bars or can they be coins?

While some coins can be included in precious metals IRAs, only certain coins are IRS approved for inclusion in IRAs. In fact, not all bars or bullion are IRS approved. The IRS maintains a list of acceptable forms of precious metals for IRAs. You can be certain that a reputable gold IRA company offers a variety of metals for IRAs within IRS guidelines.

Can I choose any custodian and storage company to store my metals?

Yes. While established gold IRA companies often recommend Equity Trust as their preferred custodian and Delaware Depository for storage, you can choose your own custodian and storage companies.

Can I store my precious metals at home?

Non-IRA precious metals, yes. Not metals for an actual IRA. IRS rules forbid keeping your IRA precious metals at home or in a standard safety security box. They must be held by an approved non-bank trustee or a bank within IRS guidelines that restricts access. In other words, just like a traditional IRA, the access to the precious metals in your precious metals IRA must be restricted in specific ways to ensure deposit and disbursement laws are followed.

Are the values of the precious metals I buy for my IRA guaranteed?

No. Like all investments, the future value of precious metals is not guaranteed and can rise or fall based on a variety of market influences. But we believe physical precious metals are your safest bet to hedge against a stock market crash, inflation, and the debasing of the dollar.

When will I be eligible for distributions from my gold IRA?

At age 59½, you or the beneficiary of your precious metals IRA can start taking penalty-free distributions from the account, according to the IRS.

How long does it take to rollover a traditional IRA into a gold or silver IRA?

Usually around two-three weeks, although each application is different and the amount of time varies on a case-by-case basis.

What is the advantage for customers to set up an IRA with a gold IRA company as opposed to going to the custodian and setting it up with them?

The customers will receive top-notch service and specialized account setup knowledge provided by the gold IRA company’s IRA Processing Department throughout the process from start to finish. They do 95% of the paperwork with them. Customers can feel safe knowing they will be kept up to date every step of the transfer process by daily calls or e-mails from the IRA Processing team with any gold IRA company listed on How To Invest Gold. These companies also often provide lifetime account support.

Extended Gold IRA FAQ

See more frequently asked questions and answers about Gold IRAs
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